Starting 2025 With a New Review
2025 starts off with a bang: Reckon Review, one of my favorite journals, reviews Crocodile Tears Didn’t Cause the Flood. It’s a beautiful and insightful review, dissecting several of the stories. I really appreciate such in-depth reviews like this one.
Here’s a hint of it:
“Though small in stature, Sides’s exploration of the human condition—death, grief, jealousy, neglect, and the sins of the parents—packs a punch. In the same thread as Angela Carter and rather than using atypical characters, Sides chose anthropomorphic ones or ones built from fable, fantasy, and horror. Sides is a playful writer, much like George Saunders, who enjoys ribbing the reader with his unique characters, settings, and story structures. Crocodile Tears Didn’t Cause the Flood is an amusement park ride—a carousal times a roller coaster divided by a Ferris wheel—of terrifically fantastical stories where the reader wishes the literary joyride would never end.”
Thank you to Dawn and the team at Reckon! Great way to start the year.
Be sure to check out the full review.