Ranking the Characters on The Office

Throughout the past month or so, we’ve been making our way back through The Office. I’m not sure how many times I’ve seen the series. I’d guess maybe three or four. It’s a good escape, and it’s very funny. With a show like this, the success isn’t really on the plot at all. In fact, for me, the only key plot that serves as a guide is the Jim and Pam relationship. Once the marriage happens, the show is largely over. There are still good moments. The Michael stuff is important is seasons six and seven, but it isn’t really a guide like the previously-mentioned important plot. Anyhow, the show is about the characters. The characters. The characters. And what some characters the creators gave us…

As a way for me to go back through their arcs (and to revisit each’s quirks), I’ve come up with a list of my ten favorite characters from The Office. Here goes:

1.) Michael

He’s so sad and lonely, but he has such a good heart, looking for love and connection and friendship. He’s very real in an emotional way, even when he takes things to extremes, which he often does. Really, though, it’s his show. It’s that simple.

2.) Stanley

I’m 60% Stanley, and 40% Pam… I get him, and he makes me laugh.

3.) Pam

For me, I think she holds the show together. When she’s not on screen, she’s missed. There’s something really great, too, about her journey. She is an artist, and she craves to become that. She’s also genuinely kind and just a good person.

4.) Dwight

He’s nuts. And fun.

5.) Jim

Part of me really dislikes Jim. I think he’s actually kind of a jerk. An enjoyable jerk who has a good heart, at the end of the day, but he’s still a jerk. Still, even with his flaws, he’s an integral part of the show. And the way he looks at the camera draws his character out even more. Jim’s important.

6.) Angela

She’s so awful, and she’s insane. I love her. And her cats.

7.) Kevin

Hahahahaha. The episode when Holly first appears and she thinks Kevin has a disability is one of his stand-out moments. Kevin is just great.

8.) Phyllis

She’s very petty, and she makes me laugh.

9.) Darryl

The way he deals with Michael makes me laugh. Consistently, too. Their scenes together make several episodes.

10.) Holly

She’s Michael’s other half, matching his insanity, wit, and love. Amy Ryan does a fantastic job bringing Holly to life.

Honorable Mention: Kelly

Kelly loves love. But mostly awful Ryan. There’s something endearing about her that makes her hard not to love.

The Absolute Worst: Andy

I can’t stand him. He nearly ruined the show. He’s among my least favorite characters in all of TV. Helms does a good job being Andy, but the character himself is just awful.

Bradley Sides