Stevie Nicks on Halloween

Mere and I closed out our fall concert season with another trip to Orion—this time to see Stevie Nicks on Halloween night.

It was a really cool show. Stevie sounded great. Her set list had a seamless movement to it, and she stopped regularly to tell stories about specific songs and how they came to be. She even got into the Halloween spirit a bit as she appropriately closed out the night with “Rhiannon” in a witch’s costume.

The crowd was into the show. The entire time, too. Lots of dancing and singing. An equal amount of interesting commentary from people in my nearby vicinity. Haha. People were clearly glad to be there and were trying to experience the specialness of the evening.

Several folks were in costumes, which added to the playfulness of the night.

Seeing a legend out under the Halloween moon was definitely a memorable way to welcome November.

Bradley Sides