Another Residency Ends

It’s a bittersweet feeling to close out another residency at Queens University of Charlotte. I’m exhausted (I couldn’t even guess the number of pages I’ve read and papers I’ve typed in the past seven days), but I’m going to miss my community of writers and artists for the next few months.

The Queens MFA program continues to be everything I hoped it would be. The professors are helpful, attentive, and personal. My classmates are passionate, encouraging, and dedicated. It’s just a perfect mix for what I need as a writer.

I live in a very rural area with a small literary community, so these residencies at Queens are invaluable. They help keep me sane honestly.

Until my next one in May, I’ll be working with a very talented and focused group of writers. And, to make the experience all the more better, my professor is someone I very much enjoy learning from and admire.

Even with all the chaos in the world, I can’t help but feel inspired.

Bradley Sides