Summer Writing
It’s difficult to imagine that I’ll be back to teaching in exactly one month from today. At this point, I don’t think any of us teachers really know what our classrooms might look like. Online? In person? A mix of both? While this whole experience of quarantining and digital learning has undoubtedly been difficult for many, I’ve mostly loved it. I feel strange (and selfish) admitting that, but it’s true. Yes, I had some difficult days, but by and large it’s been a pleasant time.
I think one of the reasons I’ve had such a fondness for it is because I’ve been able to, obviously, stay home. And when I stay home, I write. Usually a lot. I think I’ve written four new stories since April, which, for me, is incredible.
Writing allows my mind to leave this world’s problems and to create another one—one with its own problems, sure, but also one that has new characters and experiences. I’ve written about scarecrows, ghosts, sasquatches, vampires, and emailing werewolves. It’s been beautiful. On top of these stories, I’ve also read lots and lots of books and completed my MFA work early.
While writing, my mind has largely been focused and clear. I’m hoping I can retain some of that clarify and produce just as much work this upcoming fall. A dude can dream…